Dentures are a replacement for missing teeth that can be removed and put back into your mouth as you please. Depending on each individual patient case, they may receive full or partial dentures. Full dentures are used when all of the natural teeth are removed from the mouth and replaced with a full set of dentures. There are two types of full dentures.
Partial dentures are another option when not all of your teeth need to be removed. This is similar to a bridge, but it is not a permanent fixture in your mouth.
Your dentures may take some time to get used to. The flesh colored base of the dentures is placed over your gums. Some people say that it feels bulky or that they don’t have enough room for their tongue. Other times the dentures might feel loose. These feelings will affect the way you eat and talk for a little while. Over time, your mouth becomes trained to eat and speak with your dentures and they begin to feel more and more like your natural teeth. They may never feel perfectly comfortable, but it is much better than the alternative of not having teeth.
Even though dentures are not real teeth, you should care for them like they are. You should brush them to remove plaque and food particles before removing your dentures. After they have been removed you should place them directly into room temperature water or a denture cleaning solution. Never use hot water because it could warp the dentures. Your dentures are delicate, so make sure you are careful when handling them so you don’t drop them. Also, never try to adjust your dentures yourself. You could ruin them, so you should always seek assistance from your dentist if they feel uncomfortable or loose.
Ready to embark on the journey towards a healthier, brighter smile? The team at Pearl Dentistry is just a call or click away! Whether you’re a new patient looking to schedule your first appointment, or an existing patient with questions or concerns, we’re here to help.
You can reach us by phone during our office hours, or send us an email anytime. For your convenience, we also offer online scheduling through our website. If you’re in the neighborhood, feel free to stop by our office located at 32 S Main St, Pearl River, NY. We’re always happy to see a friendly face!
At Pearl Dentistry, we believe in open communication and are dedicated to answering all your queries promptly. Because at the end of the day, your dental health is our top priority. Connect with us today and take the first step towards your best smile
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*This offer is for new adult patients that do not have dental insurance. This special cannot be combined with other offers or discount plans. Offer must be presented at first visit. Offer expires 01/01/2025.